Friday, July 24, 2009


If she's becomes a concert pianist I'll be thrilled to have this video. If not, I'll make fun of her for trying to eat the piano. Dang she's precious!

No more bouncy seat for you!

Ella did this in her bath chair tonight to, threatening to go ass over teakettle in the tub. She only learned to sit up unassisted two weeks ago and already she's rocking on all fours. She is so close to crawling and only 7 months old. As soon as we return, we will have to batten down the hatches. We never had to baby proof the house with Clare, but this girl will be on the go a wee bit earlier, I think. And the word no holds no meaning for her. At all. Hang on for the ride...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clare Braun, traveller

This one's for you, Baby Guy.

Safe travels in your new packpack. Clare will be responsible for carrying her own things onto the plane for our trip to Colorado. In this bag she'll have Baby Guy, her blankie and a washable coloring book and markers. She'll also be holding for Ella. It's a big responsibility. Thank goodness it's a big packpack.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When Baby Attacks

A tiny raptor.

This is baby Ella. She looks real sweet and in fact took quite a bit of poking from Elian. But once she became curious about his face she went in for the kill. The poor boy never knew what hit him.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I so essited

Sister cannot wait to pack this suitcase.  She is beside herself.  All she can talk about is Colorado.  As an adult, I find it hard to slog through the every day when there is an adventure looming. But I tell you, it's twice as bad with a sweet toddler reminding me every 10 minutes in a squealy voice how esssiting it is that we get to fly on a airplane.  I feel like I might pee in my pants!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The iFoot

Is this thing on?

Can you hear me now?

I love summer mornings

Clare loves to hang the laundry.  Too bad she doesn't know how to work the clothespins.  Her socks just keep falling off the line. 

Harry Potter Cheerios

Today is all about Harry Potter.  

It's opening day and my parents are going tonight.  I get to stay with Drew and Uncle Bret.  


Dinner at the pool

We had noodles (duh).



My pigtails are so cute they'll break your heart.

In two.