Monday, August 17, 2009

no TRY. only do.

Clare was yelling at the TV this morning. I got there in time to hear Elmo say "keep trying". So Clare yelled back "Don't TWY, Misser Noodles! Do your best!"
Ahhh. Like father, like daughter.


Ella just told me she was sleepy.

After she ate I changed her diaper and asked if she was sleepy, using the sign.  She just smiled at me so I let her play for about 20 minutes.  Then after awhile she gave a little grunt and I looked up and she had her hand up to her face.  But she wasn't rubbing her eyes like usual, she was doing the sign.  She was sort of pinching her cheek with her hand.  I asked her if she was sleepy, she got a big smile, I took her upstairs and she was asleep before her head hit the blankie.

This girl is smart.