Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Movin' on up.

Ella has just completed some major milestones. Big growth for her. She can count actual items now. She's been able to count to twenty (and then from twenty-five to thirty) for a while, but when you ask her to count items, she often counts some twice or skips some or really just starts counting and doesn't stop (remember the hide and seek video?). Well something finally clicked and now...

Bingo! Counting up a storm.

She also demonstrated in Supercool Preschool this morning that she knows more about letters than I thought. Miss Elizabeth was teaching today and asked her to pass out some bowls of beads. Each bowl had a letter on the bottom like this:

When I asked her who each belonged to, she told me without hesitation J was for Jim and S was for Scott and Z was for Zachery. I had no idea.

I guess that live in micro-tutor is finally paying off.

To add further evidence in support of her growing brilliance, I submit that she did not eat the lard covered bagel we made as a bird feeder.
Thank heaven for tiny miracles...

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